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Who would you BE if you knew you are enough?

I led a 3-hour workshop years ago with 50 people in attendance. It was for fun, $5 at the door, and bring food to share.

We did exercises, shared with partners, and shared with the group. We played with ideas such as how to be a positive deviant. How do you make a difference in the world by not fitting in? Then I asked them, “Where in your life do you have enough?” They wrote, paired up, shared with each other, and we discovered how much we have.

When I asked “Where in your life are YOU enough?” most of the women teared up immediately, many of the men looked perplexed, we giggle awkwardly, and then I asked:

Who would you BE if you knew you are enough?

Some of the replies were:

  • Braver

  • Less anxious

  • More curious

  • More willing

  • More outspoken

  • Compassionate with myself

  • Compassionate with others

Coaching, leading, facilitating, and teaching are different forms of offering an exploration. We can learn things such as:

What are your natural talents, abilities, gifts? What do people come to you for? What do people thank you for? What are the gifts of your Soul? The time we are in will transform many things. How we work, our relationships with our families, discovering what matters most, and the deep need for connection.

My passion is connection; connecting people to themselves, connecting them to each other, and connecting us to something more; the unseen world we have a relationship with regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs.

It is time to show up and step up. It is time to learn how to give and receive. It is time to choose; who you are willing to BE if you knew you are enough.

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